Financial, Legal and Insurance Industry Expert Stanfield Hill
offers innovative case consultation and financial advice to professionals
who seek to better serve their client base and improve their own bottom line.

Consultation Services

Determining all appropriate client needs in the event of retirement, illness or death:

• Income replacement
• Business continuation and key employee benefits.
• Estate preservation and tax minimization.
• Uncovering the most tax-based ways to pay premiums.

Preparation of a client-oriented summary of recommendations
along with:

• Planning briefs
• Sample legal documents for clients' counsel.
• Handling competitor proposals.

Communication with your client’s counsel and/or accountant including your chosen carrier’s administration to help implement the case.



About Compensation

Compensation is based only on a fee for time involved which allows you to maintain high profitability when collecting commissions from your product sales.

In addition, compensation by fee alone removes any commission-based incentives from consultation services, preserving my total objectivity when giving advice, which in turn translates into greater credibility by you, your client and/or associated advisors.


Consultation Services

Skillful answers to complex
questions such as:

a. How do the new deferred compensation and split dollar tax rules affect your client’s plans?

b. Does your prospect’s Will or buy-sell agreement have the best language to achieve their goals?

c. Can your prospect’s trust buy an annuity tax deferred?

d. How might your prospect’s personal life insurance premiums be made deductible?

e. Do your clients' qualified plan or IRA beneficiary designations take maximum advantage of the income tax regulations?

Seminar Services

Coaching CE credit courses (e.g. for agents and accountants.

Presentations at potential prospect meetings such as rotary, church fundraising, etc.

Motivational talks for Producer Groups, Agencies, Honor Clubs, Estate Planning Councils, and CLU society meetings.


Stanfield Hill, JD, CLU
Richer Associates, Inc.
29 Fay Street
Albany, NY 12203 USA
